Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Hell of Quechultenango

The cotidiany dismembering of Mexican people in Guerrero shouldn't be normal for a North American -or for that matter, any developing country. As security forces in that State are infiltrated with organized crime members, assassination and slaughtering have become pervasive. The desastrous policy of "hugs, not bullets" led by the former Mexican President has led a trace of strenghtened Cartels whose power and influence on the economy and politics is more harmfully important than ever, leading the country to the number one criminal market in the world.

Many experts in Mexico and abroad have warned that the increment in the armed forces -both legal and illegal- is key to the ever-high violence we are suffering. Growing levels of drug and human trafficking, theft and extortion are leading the country to unseen levels of murder rates since the Mexican Revolution of 1910. In response, the Mexican Presidency has militarized public security and controlled the Judiciary branch, leaving citizens legally and physically vulnerable as heavy-weaponry men are more and more common in the territory. 

This overturn in Rule-of-Law protection and civil police are the reason behind many human rights agencies and foreign investors worry about the future of Mexico. But even as public order forces are on the public eye for human rights abuses, they do not compare with the dehumanizing methods and exacerbated violence commited by Cartels. Instead of making sure policemen are well trained and funded, Rule-of-Law established, funding for organized crime attacked and focusing military on combatting Cartels -declaring them terrorist organizations- the government has opted for an authoritarian derivative with no other purpose but to mantain the ruling party in power.

What the President and allies are not taking into account in their actions is that Cartels are now powerful enough to pose an international threat; not just for their Latin-American counterparts, but for NATO members as well. Recent attacks on American citizens, and in countries such as Spain, show a real menace that Cartels are trying to migrate to richer territories. The risk of an illegal armed force to control a territory in the USA or Europe is such a warning sign that it could cause an international military response; even a war.

It is now the time to stop the Mexican Cartels within the country, defunding and criminalizing them, before they get too powerful as to threaten entire governments and cause an international problem at a global scale. There is no point on entrenching in power in Mexico if there is no country left to rule. The priority for our leaders should be to protect the citizens and to make sure there are the conditions for a livable country. If the hell of Quechultenango becomes the hell of Mexico, the problem will become so big it will take an international military response to stop it, at the cost of the whole Mexican population. The obligation for our government is to put the people first. We need them to act accordingly.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Le fascisme s’est installé aux États-Unis et á Mexique

 Selon Machiavel, la corruption des formes de gouvernement (Monarchie, Aristocratie et Démocratie) donne lieu aux Tyrannies, Oligarchies ou Anarchies. Dans l’Amérique du Nord, on envisage la corruption de nos gouvernements qui ont donné lieu aux fascismes, commandé par des personnes qui trépasse la loi et qui veux exténuer la reddition des comptes.  

C’est assez grave que le trépasse d’el ordre électorale s’est devenu a lieu commun dans nos nations, encore plus quand c’est la élite qui fait cette trépasses. Le vote des citoyens n’est plus correctement pris en compte. Et cela constitue le dernier clou dans le sarcophage de notre démocratie. Si la loi n’est plus la loi, la force s’en finira pour s’imposer.

On envisage un moment critique ne notre histoire. Nos valeurs fondamentales tels que la liberté, la justice ou la vérité ont été déplacées du centre de notre vie par l’imposition, la force et l’argent. Cette changement des valeurs fondamentaux vendra accompagné nécessairement par la décadence de nos sociétés, si nous ne sommes pas aidés.